Use this template as a basis for structuring your approach to short, visual and impactful content pieces for use in Demand and by Sales

A lot of Product Marketing and Content teams will either spin their wheels when talking about how to approach a piece of content or reinvent the wheel and have inconsistent approaches to similar content pieces.

The concept below is for what I’ve referred to as an “At-a-Glance” or otherwise, a short and visual content piece. The content piece can have a number of use cases but most are likely as an early stage asset when focused on some type of thought leadership topic.

Slide Concept - At-a-Glance
At-a-Glance Article Format

This is an approach to consider and you will want to adapt the concept to your own thinking as well as branding guidelines. However, this should give a solid jumpstart to standardizing on one type of content asset approach.

Here’s a follow-on which is basically to expand in length. With the above concept and especially with this next concept, the use of visuals and whitespace are really important. You want the reader to be visually interested in the piece and not just see a block of text that will immediately turn them off.

Slide Concept - At-a-Glance Mini-Report
At-a-Glance Mini-Report Format

The last point I’ll make here is that you shouldn’t just create these in a vacuum. Be deliberate about why you need to create an At-a-Glance piece as well as what deeper asset will you have the reader jump off to potentially from this asset.